A Mother's Touch


A mother is the first teacher and first friend of her children. She carries her child in her womb with all her heart  and soul. She can decipher every gesture of her children since the time they are born. She loves her children unconditionally and guides them on the right path in life. She takes care of ger children and ensures their safety in every way. We celebrate Mother's Day to thank our mothers, expressing our love and gratitude for them.

No creature in this Universe can be as potent as a mother. She is the one who is probably endowed with all the power. God has in a way given her the power to take up the affairs of the world. And in order to celebrate the unfathomable power of a mother, we celebrate this exclusive day called Mother’s day when each one of us in our own way honour Motherhood and

its essence. Every year Mother’s day is celebrated in May, when the whole world makes it a point to celebrate the contribution a woman makes to take up in smooth way her family along with her career and the way she contributes to the society. Mother’s day is a great time to show love to mother. The Mother’s day has been particularly dedicated to celebrating the power of a mother in all the odd circumstances she takes care of her children in the best possible way. She forgets her own dreams so that her child can fulfil his/her dreams true. A mother without being bothered on her own health and comfort takes care of all the responsibilities of her households and all the members of the family. It’s the grace of the God that a mother is empowered with which makes her
strong enough that she works for so long and that too without getting tired for a while. When she finds her children in pain she literally forgets about all her own pain. She is such a satisfied creature that she takes up a huge responsibility on her shoulders and that too without being paid for it. Though, her contribution is so very much bigger that we cannot compensate for it but at least we can show our gratitude to our gorgeous mother by wishing her on Mother’s day.

It is very important for people to do every activity for everyone’s betterment. People make every idea to develop their activity in a better way achieve lot of success in life. Every plan and idea is used by the Mother to create a better environment in the home to fulfill everyone’s task in a better way. It is very necessary for the people to generate better attitude in them with properly maintaining and developing every task for the achievement of the Goals.






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