40 days of Lent

     Lenten season and Great Lent, is a time to remind us of Jesus’ 40 day trial of fasting and temptation in the wilderness.  The season of Lent is a

forty day long liturgical season of fasting and prayer before Easter, but in today’s society the question arises is Lent still defined this way or has the definition changed.

      Lenten season now has definitely been different because of the pandemic with everything going on it doesn’t really feel like Lent anymore.We celebrate lenten season at home.But being at home my Mom reminds us how important lenten season is.I learned that reflection with God is possible in any circumstance, whether that’d be in the overwhelming demands of school, or trying to get by in the midst of a global health crisis. I chose to celebrate Lent this year to remind myself to stay grounded in my faith, which has been difficult under the stress of life. Given the amount of love and support that has come out of this chaos though, I’ve been reminded that there’s always a spare minute to reflect on my blessings, and that’s enough reason to stay strong in my faith.During Lenten season, people usually do three traditional things: praying, fasting, and alms-giving Also, during this season, two significant virtues are observed. Mercy and compassion can be attained through three simple steps. First, rest with God. During this step, people keep themselves from doing their errands and routines.

This step is usually observed during the Lord’s Day because people go to Church and have a time for God. Just like what the word “rest” literally means, we forget all the demands of our work and have much time with our own families and have a peaceful period in ourselves. Second, renew one’s self. Renewing doesn’t mean loving ourselves more.Even if there are a lot of practices and things that can be done to observe lent, it is still important to know its real essence and importance in our lives and faith as Catholics.


 Lenten season continues even now, with so much going wrong in our world. With so much suffering and pain from which none of us are immune there is still reason to praise the Lord. Baptisms and First Communions still occur. Marriages are still celebrated.Even when there has been suffering, God has still managed to bring good out of it. 






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