New Year,New Beginning

   New Year is a special holiday where we are celebrating it by hopes,prayers and beliefs.Every families make their new year happy and full of beliefs,preparations and attend the mass as the most important thing to do.

   New Year,New Me, as a youth we are exposed in gadget,we waste our time in Facebook,Tiktok,Instagram,etc.But since it was sometimes the reason why we can't help our parents doing the household,sometimes we reconnect

ourself to them,but its always a big deal to me my New Year's resolution,my wishes and prayers. I'd change myself to do the things that my parents hate me to do,I'll help in household chores by discipline,I do schedule with my brother in cooking,washing the laundry,feeding our pigs,ducks and chickens.I will finish all my obligations before I will do play with my Cellphone.

   New year is not only for new year but it also for everyday changes in our self to be a better person.To be a better me,I

shouldd make myself well discipline,well mannered person,and show more dedication to my rules and obligations to my studies,to my friends, and family, and to serve the Lord as my great provider and source of my daily blessings which is not only for New Year or any holidays.


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