No Student Should Left Behind

     Education is the key to success, however we are facing a pandemic by COVID-19 who became a threat to everyone's life. COVID-19 affected many individuals not only their health but their income as well, one of the most affected is the Education of the learners who cannot go out to go to school.

     Low schooling is now the quality of education because children cannot go to school to learn and cannot teach by his/her teacher. The effective suggestion is that most of children should stay at home to learn by module, online class, offline class by the help of gadgets, and internet connections. But not everyone can provide gadgets or they don't have enough materials. Some problems that occurs in this type of learning is the slow learners who cannot also help by his/her parents because of lack of knowledge in education.The other problem is the financial problem to provide the needs of studies. But by the help of the government to plan and develop flexible education to give teachers and the parents to support the right deliveration of distance learning and maintaining fund to provide safe, protective, and productive way of learning as we are facing the pandemic.

     Quality education can be done by helping one another, sacrificing each other in order to give the education for the learners. This pandemic cannot be the reason in order to deliver a good education because we can suggest an effective solutions to the problems to help the children, the teachers and the parents in accepting challenges in  facing education during the pandemic. COVID-19 is a global crisis but cannot be a reason to stop the education of the children and their willingness to learn. The learning opportunities shall continue by the parents, teachers, and the children.


  1. I like it that you understand how the situation of the world right now and how it affects us as a student. The willingness of a student to learn is cannot be stopped by any means. Your inspiration in learning is very high, It rises through the sky. Nice article keep it up.

  2. Your choice of theme design is very classic. It catches the eyes of the reader that makes me more excited about your articles. I like the dark colors because it matches my mood. The theme design you used is great

  3. I like how you delivered your article and your ideas are great. I agree with what you said, despite of this pandemic, many students still choose to continue their studies. I admire you for being able to make a great article. Good job!

  4. I was fascinated and amazed by your layout and the picture you used for this article. Keep up the good work!

  5. I'm very impressed on your words, its so genuine, I like how you tackle all the issues why we are suffering right now, because this shows that you are aware what is happening around you... Continue to persuade people not to give up.

    By the way I like the choice of color, its kinda dark but it has aesthetic vibes... I love it

  6. The clarity, reliable viewpoints nd openness was delivered with essence. The insights of situations and current happenings attached in the quality of education was comprehensive, precise, integral and impressive. Positive goals and adequate traits must be obtained to achieve education success. Continue to inspire and apprise. Great Work. Kudos!

    1. The theme reminds me of retro, minimalist and cool mood. The layout was great and the fonts are readable. the image was perfectly suited for the topic and reference was also provided

  7. Hello Jhaeyca! I agree that COVID-19 is a global crisis but it shouldn't be a reason to stop the education of the children. However, we cannot change the fact that this pandemic really doubled the suffering of the student and of course teachers. It is very difficult to learn when no one is teaching us, when we have a problem financially and mentally and when we have nothing to use. Everything here in your blog is very on point. Keep safe and have a good day!

  8. Hello, Jhaeyca! One of the benefits of this kind of education makes the life of students and teachers safe. However, I agree on what you've said that not everyone can provide the needs of the students in schooling because during these times it is difficult for parents to find and get a job in order for them to provide the needs of their children. COVID-19 is indeed making everyone’s life miserable. Keep creating an informative article!


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