Save our Ecosystem


It starts at our doorstep and when we step outside, we are stepping into one big globally interconnected ecosystem that we are all connected to, and reliant upon. We affect it, it affects us.We can’t live without it, but it can and does live without us, though it needs our help, and we desperately need it. More than ever: The air we breathe. The water we drink. The soil we tread upon. The green we sense, see, feel, touch, and smell. The plants, animals and minerals that share this planet with us, we need them so much.

Now our ecosystem and environment are not the same as before. Due to the exploitation of the environment by us, the balance of biological and physical systems has deteriorated. Such as indiscriminate deforestation, hunting of wild animals, pollution of air and water due to industrial development, an increase of global warming due to use of harmful equipment, and many other reasons are included. We have to make it the same again, otherwise, we will not be able to survive in such a growing imbalance. Many national and international projects are being run for its conservation. Pollution is one of the main causes of ecosystem destruction. Pollution can deplete resources and drive away local animal populations. Significant sources of pollution include trash, carbon emissions, oil spills and pesticides.

Reducing, reusing and recycling can be a key to prevent pollution. Waste management is essential in today’s society. Due to an increase in population, the generation of waste is getting doubled day by day. As humans,

we need to help each other to restore our ecosystem by simply managing our waste. A proper waste management comes from our behaviour as human in our society. Improper waste management of waste will cause a hazardous effect on our ecosystem and in our health.

Learn the proper way of waste management, let us recycle and save our Earth. Protecting our planet start

with us, humans. In a simple reducing, reusing, and recycling our wastes will help us to save our Ecosystem. Know the importance an value of our Natural Resources, Be Responsible Citizen.


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