My Last Chapter in Junior High


This year overall has been a wonderful learning experience. I would have to say that throughout all of my year in school, I have learned a lot. I worked hard this quarter because it is my last quarter in my Junior High School journey.

There are many things that I have learned about myself this quarter. I have learned that believing your self is the only way so that you can finished all the challenges. The topics covered each week have giving me the opportunity to increase my knowledge in many areas.There are many task in every subject and we have our

thematic assessment but I finished it all by myself.I discovered and learned new informations. I would not have survived my last quarter in Junior High School without the help from my classmates. I have developed some amazing friendships and a new support system. When I was struggling, I reached out to my classmates and learned that I was not alone. There are many challenges in this quarter such as sleeping late at night,eating late, and stressed because we need to finish  the 4 weeks tasks before the deadline of submission. I've already pass all my requirements, and I can relax now because our Moving Up is near. I have progressed as a writer, but it also shows what I have learned about myself. It contains not only my best works, but also my mistakes, and through the work in here I am able to see the mistakes that I commonly make while answering my module and writing about something before I completely understand it myself. However there are also things that I realized woks well for me.

I enjoyed my Junior High School life. I am thankful to my teachers who guide us and giving us instruction and explaining the tasks very well. I am also thankful to my classmates who cheer me up when I feel I can't do those things. Stepping to my next chapter all those knowledge and all the things that I have learned in my Junior High life will be my guide in my next journey. I am Jhaeyca Mikaylle C. Llapitan, signing off as Grade 10 Special Mathematics Student.


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